Many theologians consider Romans to be the greatest book in the Bible because of the theology expounded by Paul. It is considered the most complete summary of Christian doctrine and some argue that if all of the Bible were lost except Romans, scarcely any fundamental doctrine would be lacking.
The main theme of Romans is the Gospel of Christ which is God’s saving work in Christ for all mankind. It stresses that all people everywhere, without partiality, have free access to the riches of God’s grace in Christ as they respond in faith. The book of Romans tells us that Jesus is the only righteous one and the law cannot make us righteous; only Jesus can. Accordingly, Jesus is the only one that can heal the rift that separates us from God and one another because of the curse of sin.
Method: We will not be using a guide for this study. We will be using the book of Romans directly. The expectations is that we will read/study Romans at home (as assigned) and when we come together we will read and discuss and let the Holy Spirit reveal the word to us. I have allotted and hour and a half for the study and this will include a prayer time at the end. The following week we will pick up our studies where we left off. Sign up is limited to twelve people